Photo Album: Push Pier and SmartJack Install in Worley, ID
Have you noticed a slight settlement in your homes foundation? A recent customer of ours in Worley, ID reached out to us because his foundation had started to settle a couple of years ago but it has progressively gotten worse. He gave us call and explained to us what concerns he was having and what was going on. We then got him on the schedule to meet with one of our System Design Specialist. Once the specialist got to the home he met with the homeowner and they went over all the concerns while they looked at the foundation and while the specialist took all his measurements and photos. Once the specialist was done with that the homeowner and went over the finding. They also went over what products would be the best fix for the homeowner.
Here you can see the homes foundation had settled about 4-5 inches.
Here you can see our Push Piers under the homes foundation to help lift it.
Push Piers
Push Piers stabilize the foundation from further settlement, help close cracks and improve function of windows and doors, and have the potential to lift the home back toward it's original elevation.
Here you can see our SmartJacks under an existing support beam in the Crawlspace.