Have you noticed your basement smell a little funny after it rains or the snow melts? One of our recent customers Sharon in Moscow called us with concerns of a bad smell in her basement. She explained all of the concerns she was having and we got her on the schedule to meet with our specialist Dominic. Once Dominic got to the home he met with Sharon and they went over the concerns she was having one more time. They then went into the basement to look at the high concern area. Once Dominic got down there he quickly realized our WaterGuard around the perimeter of the basement was going to be the best option for her as well as our SuperSumpPlus SumpPump.
In this photo you can see the main concern on where water was coming in.
WaterGuard and TripleSafe
In this photo you can see our WaterGuard and our TripleSafe.
Here you can see the TripleSafe after it is installed and they seal it in with concrete.
WaterGuard and TripleSafe After
Here you can see the final product of the WaterGurad and TripleSafe after we sealed it in with concrete.
TripleSafe Discharge Line
Here you can see the discharge line on the outside of the basement.
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