Photo Album: Waterproofing Crawl Space in Franklin, ID
The customer was having water leaking in the crawl space despite having drains and sump pumps installed before. The water was sitting under the footings in the crawl space, and the customer wanted the water gone as soon as possible, so we got the call. One of our foreman came over and installed a new sumppump and smartpipe. With a combination like that, the water should drain out of the crawl space and into the outside, as well as prevent any future leaks or floods.
Crawl Space
The crawl space before any work was done.
Crawl Space Blueprints
Blueprints are made to create visual and mark out which parts of the crawl space are the most damaged and need to be fixed immediately.
Smart Pipe Installation
Our worker begins installing smart pipe to help drain the water.
Smart Pipe
Smart pipe is installed to help the sump pump drain the water from the crawl space.
Sump Pump
A sump pump is installed to drain the water from the crawl space.