
Special Message on the Coronavirus from Foundation Supportworks of Idaho

While the coronavirus (COVID-19) is a part of our daily lives we want to let you know that we are adjusting our processes to keep everyone we interact with safe while continuing to provide the very best service. As a family, our hearts go out to all those impacted by this situation, and we’re sympathetic to the many challenges our customers are now navigating.

We are following “social distancing” guidelines by making changes to how we evaluate the property at appointments, present and install our solutions. We are available to talk with you about your property needs. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and local government bodies are monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Foundation Supportworks of Idaho takes the health and well-being of our employees and customers seriously.  We are closely monitoring the risk of the virus and taking steps to keep our employees and customers safe. As such, we have increased the frequency of disinfecting high touchpoint areas in each of our locations, provided additional hand sanitizing stations, and have distributed informational preventative health flyers throughout our employee populations.  We are actively encouraging sick employees to stay home. Customers can rest assured that we are taking precautions to make sure that the employees who come to their homes are healthy.

We encourage you to take time to care for yourself and your family. As always, we ask you to be a light in your community, showing kindness and patience, especially during times like these. We believe we’ll get through this soon, and we’re confident we’ll emerge stronger than ever.


With gratitude,

The Foundation Supportworks of Idaho Team 

Special Message on the Coronavirus from Foundation Supportworks of Idaho - Image 1


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